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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Small World

Since we are moving and since most of our stuff will be in boxes for the next 5 months we've been going through everything and either throwing it out, putting in a garage sale pile or selling on craigslist.  So I've been listing lots of things on craigslist and I had an instrument that was just big and bulky that I had brought home from Indonesia and I decided I didn't need it and so onto craigslist it went.  Well the lady that stopped by to buy it from me came to the house and right away we both were thinking, "that person looks so familiar!"  Well we started asking each other questions to try and figure out how we knew each other and come to find out her son was in the bed right next to Lincoln when they were both in the NICU!  So we introduced the two boys and took some pictures.  Eli is such a cutie and doing great! 

Lincoln and Eli look a little bigger than they did 8 1/2 months ago!

We had so much fun catching up with Sheaukang and watching Eli crawl backwards! :)  Developmentally both Lincoln and Eli are doing great and we thought it was funny how neither of them had much hair!

 Lincoln and I with Jenny and Lily back in December :)

 It's been so great to see our friends from the hospital/NICU!  We've been able to get together with Jenny and Lily twice now and Lily is doing great! 

We are so thankful for great NICU friends like this!


  1. So what part of Indonesia did you go to? I had forgotten all about that until Lynda told me the other day on email...because Jay Dee and I are going too! Over the new year, we're traveling, without kids, to visit friends that are there for 3 years and to do service. So maybe after you get here, I'll have to come visit and we can talk about Indonesia...and I can FINALLY meet that little man of yours!!!

  2. Wendy-
    We flew into Jakarta and spent the majority of our time in Bandung and took a train to Malang (I think) I can't remember for sure. We had a great time! We'll definitely have to get together and talk about it!
