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Sunday, October 30, 2011

10 days with Gamma Hunni and Papa Jay

We're back home now after a really long stay with my parents in their new house in Kansas City.  They moved in barely 3 weeks ago and we came and crashed with them while my hubby had 2 weeks of training for work in the DC area.  I absolutely hate staying home by myself without him.  I mean a couple nights here and there are fine (I just sleep with the hallway light on - no joke I'm a HUGE scaredy cat!)  Laugh all you want but I've come to terms with it and no use hiding that part about me.  You get the real deal on this here blog.  So 2 weeks ALONE at our house without the strong protective hubby wasn't even an option.  I booked those tickets asap and I got no complaining from my mom :)

So here are just a few pictures from our time there.  
These are mostly from the first week.  I have lots more coming soon!
I didn't take nearly as many as I should have.  I always plan to but then forget.

Reading books with Gamma Hunni before naptime

See all those cars lined up?  Is that a sign of OCD?  hmmmmm

Playing with Aunt Hope

Being silly when I wanted a picture of him....howling like a wolf.  Lovely.

Sneaking a bite while baking with Grandma, ok he's probably not sneaking it 
because Gamma Hunni most likely gave him!

While we were there my mom scored some great toys at a garage sale down the street.  A work bench and a kids basketball goal.  Lincoln had a blast with both!

I caught Grandma walking up the slide....Lincoln sure brings out a crazy side of her!  Love it!

Lincoln using all his muscles to push Papa Jay on the swings.  He eventutally figured out that when pushing, the swing comes back at you.....after getting knocked over a couple times!

I love this set of pictures

Needless to say, Lincoln was spoiled the entire time we were there. 
Unfortunately it started to show towards the end and now I get to try and get him back to normal.
I think having a baby brother will be a VERY good thing for him.  :)
Oh and 29 weeks today!  I'll get that bump picture posted soon!


  1. My husband often leaves for a night or two for work but last week was the whole week.. I wouldn't hang out in the living room at night cause I was to paranoid since that's where the sliding glass door is!

  2. 29 weeks!!! Amazing!
    My boys line their cars up all the time too, I'm thinking its normal!
