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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

photo challenge {days 2-9}

Day 2: What you wore today
Shirt - Christmas present from my awesome sister-in-law Kelsey! Love it!
Scarf - Christmas present from my mom
Jeans - still my maternity jeans...oh weight I would like to lose you and never find you again!

Day 3: Clouds
Very cloudy day here

Day 4: Something Green
We've got lots of these around the house again!

Day 5: From a high angle
My boys on a lazy afternoon

Day 6: From a low angle

Day 7: Fruit

Day 8: A bad habbit
I need to stop drinking this so much but it's OH so good!

Day 9: Someone you love
Love of my life....every so often he'll wear a suit to work and he looks
 pretty darn handsome in it if you ask me!

the next 7 days of the challenge will (hopefully) be posted next week sometime :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I'm having fun doing this challenge, even if my pictures aren't great. I was supposed to take a picture of a sunset yesterday, but its' really hard to see from our house... that one might have to wait.
