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Friday, August 10, 2012

Insta Friday

 another week done and another insta friday to show you!
these weeks just keep flying by and my boys just keep getting older and bigger.
I'm not sure who said it but I heard once of motherhood,
"the days are long but the years are short"
that is SO true. 
some days are so long, that I'm counting down the time until
Tyler walks in the door between 5pm - 6pm.
days at home with young kiddos can be tiring, hard and long but
in the same breathe I can also say they are fun, loud, short, and such a blessing.
I love it and it's worth it! 

So with that.....here's our week!

First PTA resale of the fall....$27 for all this (lots of quality clothing!)

Skyping with Kelsey, Grandma and Papa 

this is what part of nursery looks like at a church plant :)

wake up sleepies!

repurposed a strapless dress and a tank top I had to make this "new" dress for church.
Inspired by this lovely lady

Still doesn't have the strength to stay upright so playing the piano with his toes will have to do for now :)

chillin' like a villain 

one legged lincoln

skyping with grandma hunni and papa jay got a little crazy

brotherly love.  
i pray they are best buds growing up

our first full year of MOMtourage starts in September
getting SO excited!

this is still a healthy snack, right?


best $15 we've spent.

linkin' up with Life Rearranged!
life rearranged


  1. That sweater cardigan you got in the resale---awesome! Looks like a fun week:)


  2. Your boys are so cute! It looks like you got some awesome stuff at that resale. I have been doing resales since my son was born almost 2 years ago and I am not finding as much as he gets bigger. Hopefully I will have luck like you at my next one. :) Stopping by from Instafriday at Jeanette's.

  3. Sweet and simple snapshots of your week, thank you for sharing :-)
