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Thursday, November 29, 2012

embrace the camera {nov. 29}

I'm back for embrace the camera this week!  It's been a few weeks hasn't it?  Things got crazy busy right before Thanksgiving and then we traveled for the holiday, drove back and now my awesome mom is here with me for the week!  woohoo!  can I get a "woot woot" for moms :)  She pretty much rocks.  We've had a blast decorating my house for Christmas, shopping, going to the library, riding the train at the mall (well hopefully, we tried to go do that on Tuesday and Lincoln lost that privilege when he threw a massive fit as we were checking out at Joanns.  (YES he threw a huge fit that same day that I posted this post, ironic yes?)  Anyways, now he has to earn it back and with only one more sticker left to get to complete his "earn 5 stickers to ride the train" I think we're a go for today :)  hopefully.
I learned just how hard it is to leave a place because my child is disobeying and in order to teach him a lesson we have to leave.  
It's a little bit of a drive to get to the mall/Joanns and I was irritated that we made that drive for nothing.  
But I'm hoping it hit home with him.  

Anyways, back to embracing the camera!  These were a couple of the pictures that we took over Thanksgiving.  My parents have this awesome pond just around the corner from their new house so we took advantage of it!

I'm so blessed.  These boys mean the world to me.

my amazing sister.  seriously love her.
we always have such a fun time when we are together
and spend too much money shopping :)

This smiley boy is only 16 days away from the big 1!

now get out there and embrace that camera!  get out from behind it, grab one of your kiddos, a pet, hubby/wife, friend, ANYONE and get in those pictures!  You won't regret it, I promise!


  1. What a beautiful spot for pictures!
    We are at a similar stage with fits & behavior of these darn 3 year olds! This too shall pass, right?

  2. marie! i love love love your boots! where did you get them?

    1. Thanks! I got them at Kohls but my sister found similar ones this year from Target.
