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Monday, December 3, 2012

"it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...."

Christmas has made it's appearance all over our house!

Here is a glimpse at our Christmas wonderland...

snuggles by the Christmas tree never get old

I made this last year for Lincoln....post here

L's own tree and peppermint lights

 I'm starting an Advent countdown with Lincoln this year too.
I'm really excited that he's finally old enough to understand.
I'm only going to do 12 days since we leave WAY before Christmas day
to head west to see family so this way I'll just do the 12 days leading up
to the day we leave.
I'll do a post about it as soon as I get it up but if you want to make your
own in the meantime here's the link
Oh and she made it for all 24 days not just 12 like I'm going to do.

Now our weather just needs to start acting like it's December around here....
sheesh!  Love me some snow!


  1. I just don't know where you find the time to decorate. You must not sleep! :) It looks beautiful.....enjoy. Maybe I'll find time later this week to start decorating my house!

  2. ticket to ride? A Beatles Christmas.

    1. lol I just realized that was in the picture! ha!

  3. I love all of your decor! Esp those yarn wrapped trees :-)
