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Saturday, December 29, 2012

My 12 Favorite Photos of 2012

Sarah at "Nurse Love Farmer" is doing a link up of your 12 favorite photos
from 2012.  It goes without saying that I love pictures.  Seriously love pictures.  If I could
afford to have family pictures professionally taken once a month I totally would.  I love learning (even though it's very slowly learning) about photography.  I'm not going to make it a profession but it's so fun to play around with.  Anyways, I thought it be fun to reminisce through my photos from the last year and choose my favorites.  Boy was this hard but I finally narrowed it down.  
Here they are in chronological order...

 Shortly after Caedmon's birth.  Life doesn't get any better than that moment.

Caedmon's newborn pictures 

 another shot from C's newborn session

 Mother's day at the beach with my boys

 family pictures from June

my favorite from our family photo session by J.Reiss Photography 

 Lincoln and Kelsey at her and Seth's wedding this summer

 just driving around on the farm

 love this picture of my sweet boys

 not a perfect picture but I really love it none the less

 snuggling my boy in the warm sun

 cutest little sock monkey ever:
Halloween 2012

my big boy actually fell asleep in Grandma's arms.

Those are my top 12 from 2012.  
What are yours?
Link up over here!


  1. Just stopping by from Nurse Loves Farmer. You're photos are beautiful!

  2. Love the pictures! The cream hat in the 4th picture from the bottom I admired when you posted that pic the first time. I tried looking back through your blog to find it again so I'm glad you posted it again. Do you know where you got that hat? I love it! Thanks for sharing your pictures.

    1. Thanks! I love that hat too and I got it from Target 2 years ago.
