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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Similar Situations

Yesterday was another typical day for me. Nothing out of the ordinary, just the nurses taking my vitals every so often and running a non stress test on Lincoln's heart rate. I watched a couple episodes of Alias and finished the 4th Twilight book. Then one of my nurses came in and said that there was another woman here with a similar situation to mine. She was just admitted two days ago and had heard about me and wanted to talk with me! I was really excited to meet someone else who is going through the same thing. I went and met her and as we were talking I learned just how hard her situation has been. She started bleeding early on in her pregnancy and her water actually broke at 16 weeks. She has been on bed rest at home for 8 weeks now and once she got to 24 weeks they admitted her to the hospital. Now she's starting back where I first started but has already been through SO much! All things considered she seemed to be in good spirits. So if you think of it, you can be praying for her situation. I'm sure we'll get together pretty often since neither of us have anything better to do! I don't want to look back on this whole experience and wish I had done more with it, I want to use it to the full capacity that God wants me to. I pray that my eyes would be open to opportunities to share him with the staff that I've gotten to know so well! :)

One example I want to share about how just living your life can be such a huge witness to others. My doctor has often walked in to see me (she comes everyday to check in on me) when there have been a lot of people here. It's very rare that she'll come and there isn't a party going on! haha. The other morning she came and was commenting on how well I've been doing and was so impressed by the support I've had from so many people. She asked how I knew these friends, if they were from college, etc. I told her that we knew most of our friends from church and bible studies. She was so impressed by the community that we have and I just want to say again that I'm am SOOO thankful for such an awesome community! We have been so blessed to have so many caring friends and family to support us during this time. I honestly don't know if I would've made it this far without so many people encouraging me and helping us along the way!

1 comment:

  1. Marie & Tyler -
    We think of you so often and just wish that we were closer so we could stop by and see you. Keep your spirits high! You have been an inspiration to us and we continue to pray for you daily. Lots of love to ALL of you. Keep that little Lincoln nice and warm as long as you can. It's an absolute miracle! :-)

