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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sippy Cup!

Lincoln has finally given in to all my prodding and pushing the sippy cup!  He was so attached to his bottle and we're not 100% weaned off of it yet but we're pretty close!  His problem was that he just didn't recognize that the sippy cup had milk in it and the ones that I started out trying were ones that he would actually have to suck the milk out.  So he just wouldn't do it.  Then I switched to ones that had a "stopper" in them and took that out so it would just run out and he got the idea that there was something good in these cups!  So then Monday I switched to a cup with a soft top and he has to suck the milk out and he took to it right away!  I have to lean him up against something like the arm of the couch since he hasn't figured out that he has to hold it up to get something out of it.  He'll just sit there and suck air as long as I'll let him!  Silly boy! 

Getting the hang of it!
We still dribble ALL over but we're working on that
I thought this was so cute how he held his feet up while drinking!
Mom, move over so I can see the TV!

Ok, I'm done with this were's my food?
Overall he's done great with it!  Since we're leaving for VA tomorrow I now get to take sippy cups (and just a few bottles)!  Yay for another big step accomplished!

We've got a big weekend ahead of us.  We're flying to DC tomorrow and then Friday Linc will stay with my friend Allie and her husband over night while Tyler and I drive (6 hrs) to Cleveland to go look at some townhouses.  We have a couple that we think we like just want to tour them and see the areas that they are in.  Then we'll drive back after all our tours on Saturday!  Whew!  Pray for us! :)  It'll be fun to have so much "talk time" in the car with my hubby! 


  1. Those are the sippy's i used with Both my boys when i transitioned them from bottle.. Have fun looking at places in Cleveland :) enjoy your time with just you and tyler :)

  2. go lincoln!

    i forgot until i saw this pic that those Nuby cups were the first ones our kids would use. . . i think because they were the most similar to a bottle with that all-silicone spout.
