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Friday, January 7, 2011

2011 Goals

So I've never been real big on making New Year's Resolutions because I always have more ambitious goals than I'm able to actually accomplish and then I just give up and feel defeated.  So this year I'm going to start small so that I can actually accomplish these and feel good about myself! :)

1. exercise more!  I know everyone says this and I say this every year but I'm serious this time.  As long as I'm physically able to, I want to try and make the most use out of our workout facilities at our complex.  Either that or I need to by a membership to the Y or some place that has childcare.  Then I can try Zumba!  hmmmm...

2. read one book each month (at least) List of books coming soon.  Including this one, and probably lots of Karen Kingsbury books!  They are such a nice, light read.  Very refreshing.

3. Be more diligent in my quiet times, writing in a prayer journal and praying specifically for Lincoln and Tyler.  Thinking about doing THIS idea from my friend Julie to help me along.

4. Keep getting better at couponing (I want to try and cut our grocery bill down by another $50)

5. do more DIY projects.  First major one being refinishing our kitchen table.  SOOO excited!  I want it to look like this:

6. And last but not least, let my hair keep growing.  I know this one seems silly but I always want to grow my hair out and then about half way through I give up and chop it all off.  This one should be easy as long as I stay away from all hairstylists! :)

Whatcha think? Think I can pull this off? :)
[You all know I'm kidding, right?]

I'll start with those and then see how it's going.  Maybe I'll add more along the way.  


  1. ooh love the hair. if i were her i'd just stand right there, all day every day, with it draped just so. great goals! i'm more of an "inspiration" person than a resolution person too. you can do it!

  2. love karen kingsbury! i just got done with the 9/11 series.
