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Monday, August 29, 2011

20 weeks

Even though there isn't anything special about 20 weeks except that it's the official half way mark to a normal pregnancy, I feel like it's a huge accomplishment to make it to the 20s.  I'm so glad to be leaving the "teen weeks" and enter the 20s.  I think my belly looks smaller this week than it did last week.....it's probably not but just looks like it to me. 

*Got asked for the first time by a stranger if I was pregnant.  Maybe I'm past the "well she looks like she could be pregnant but I'm not gonna ask her in case she isn't" stage.
*Was really annoyed by a lady who, after I told her we were having another boy said, "that's ok, at least your husband will be happy with two boys"  are you kidding me?!  What would make you think that I am sad to have two boys?!  I am overjoyed to have 2 (and 3!) boys.  I'm so excited to watch their relationships as brothers develop as they grow up together.  Wow, people really never cease to amaze me with the things they say. 
*Only 1 headache this past week that lasted Monday-Tuesday.  But THAT'S it!  Maybe they are on their way out like my evening sickness?!  Could it be? :)
*If you didn't see my post last friday, I'm on antiobiotics again to get my strep b levels down, as too high of levels (which I have) can cause PROM (premature rupture of membrances, my water breaking too early)
*Each day is different but for the most part I have much more energy.
*Mr. Crazy in my tummy never stops moving, I swear.  He is constantly kicking me all over and I am loving it.  I think I've decided why my boys have such high heart rates in the womb - they are just crazy active kids.  Lucky me, huh? Lincoln was in the 170s until he was born at 31 weeks and this little guy is in the 160s.  That's why everyone always guesses I'm having girls!

We are traveling to Michigan this weekend for a wedding of some friends of ours here.  Grandma Hunni is coming for the weekend to watch Lincoln here at home so Tyler and I get a quick little trip by ourselves!  You betcha I know where all the hospitals are in Grand Rapids and which ones have what level of NICU :)


  1. I got a lot of comments like that too when I found out I was having a second boy. Boys are SO much fun, and I love watching their bond as brothers grow stronger every day. It's pretty cool. Congrats on having another boy!!

  2. Hi! :) I have been a 'follower' of yours for quite awhile now, but have never commented... actually never really do on any blogs I read and decided recently that I need to start! I don't remember whose blog I came across your blog from... But anyway! Congrats on making it to 20 weeks and I'm keeping you in my daily prayers that you will make it to your ultimate goal with this little one. And I hear ya on the comments some people have the nerve to make... your boys will share a very special relationship and give you such great joy!
