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Friday, October 5, 2012

a little bit of this...a little bit of that

a little bit of instagram pics along with a whole lot of random on this Friday!

first of all, just look at my handsome little man.  seriously.  I can't stand the cuteness!
these are two of his many friends from church.  they were holding the door open for the ladies leaving church.  such gentlemen already.

Who says guys can multi-task?!  :)

 latest crafting creation:
only problem?  our house faces west and the front door gets scorching hot
in the afternoon.  so all that hot glue I used to stick on these flowers?  yeah
it melts and the flowers get loose or fall off....fail.  
it's still cute though, right :)

a messy kitchen?  yep that's pretty much normal.  
a good excuse to leave for the morning :)

someone had a great nap

"mommy, this is alicious (delicious)!" 

Starbucks was a NEED that morning.  Yes.  Wednesday night bible study turned 1am chat sesh = very precious time with friends but tired momma.  totes worth it :)


Been trying to decide what the boys should be for Halloween.  I figured this might be my last year of getting to decide for Lincoln so I better make the most of it, haha.  But I want them to be a "duo" which  for two boys there aren't many choices.  I want something different.  Been thinking maybe Batman and Robin or Bob and Larry.  Any suggestions for us?  I'm trying to brainstorm but not coming up with many options!

Just finished Beth Moore's Patriarch's study on the book of Genesis and I'm so sad that it's over.  Seriously I want her to do a study for each book of the bible, it was that good.  She is so easy to listen to and relate to.  I love how she digs so deep into it.

I'm a little bit obsessed with pumpkins right now.  Fall is my favorite time of year and I'm in the midst of fully embracing it all over our house :)

I found a fantastic long dresser for Lincoln's big boy room at a yard sale yesterday and I'm really excited to redo it this weekend!  Pictures/post to come as soon as it's finished!

Fall shows have officially started and our favorites so far...
Parenthood (duh, I think it's my favorite!)
Once Upon a Time
How I Met Your Mother
Big Bang Theory
Dancing with the Stars (I have too many favorites to pick just one!)
Breaking Amish (Although I just found out that they are pretending to have just arrived in the city when in reality they have all lived there 3-4 years!)  Oh TLC you failed on that one.  

and the one show that we thought was really good last year but it must've ended was "Whitney" 
It was so funny, I'm sad it's not back :(

I've started making rosette necklaces and baby headbands again, if you are interested in purchasing any let me know.  My goal is to get a bunch made up and sell them on etsy (at least the headbands) we'll see....

Well that's all I've got for this Friday post.  I'm excited for the weekend, Tyler gets a 3 day weekend!  I think we're gonna try and head to Mapleside Pumpkin Patch sometime this weekend....we loved it last year.  Get some pumpkins and let Lincoln paint his and of course I need a chevron one :)

Have a great weekend all!


  1. your crafts (& the picture of Caed in his crib) make me curious if you ever have gotten to L's room? There is a super cute superhero idea on pinterest & I think of Lincoln & his videos everytime I see it

    1. I'm still in the process, I've gotten held up trying to find the perfect dresser and headboard (which I finally got pallets for and just need to sand/stain it!) So it's still in progress and there will definitely be pictures on here when it's done!

    2. I wanted to do pallet headboards for my boys too.... but it wasn't meant to be :(

  2. I believe Whitney is on friday nights now? :)
