13 weeks
headed out for a date night!
14 weeks
{taken by the famous Lincoln}
he actually didn't do too bad!
then it was his turn :)
his mom didn't do as great of a job, I mean that sun glare?!
c'mon mom!
and of course he wanted to take more so he told me to be silly
and then to smile.
definitely getting thick around my midsection, hello 3rd baby!
Thoughts: Some days I don't feel like I'm showing much at all and then I see these pictures and I'm all "woah" so THAT'S what no ab muscles looks like?! :)
Baby: he/she weighs 1 1/2 ounces and is about the size of a lemon.
Symptoms: Still have evening nausea. It's starting later and later so I'm hoping it's on it's way out the door. But it seems I'm trading my nausea for headaches just like my pregnancy with Caedmon. All I can take is Tylenol of course. If I take it right at the onset of a headache I can usually chase it away but if the headache gets too bad then tylenol is worthless.
Weight: according to my scale I've gained 4 lbs.
Movement: been feeling those little flutters! Especially after I eat something sugar-y like a shake :)
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