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Sunday, May 23, 2010

DC Visit #1

So Lincoln and I arrived in D.C. after a very LONG day of flying (which he did wonderfully by the way) and stayed with friends of ours until Tyler was able to meet up with us Friday evening.  We had a wonderful weekend with him and were sad for him to go back but we'll have a fun week with Craig, Allie and baby Elise and before we know it it'll be Friday again and we'll get to see Tyler again!

My happy traveler in his "Airplane Onesie" and all ready to fly!

New Momma Allie and her precious baby Elise (and Lincoln trying to check out the new baby!)

Little Lincoln lounging at our hotel

Our family back together for the weekend!  Lincoln was so happy to see his Daddy (and so was I of course)!  
He would just sit and stare at him it was so cute.
Linc-man and I are hanging out in MD for the rest of the week and are planning to head back to "The Good Life" June 1st.


  1. Oh! Have a great rest of the week! I'm happy for you to be there. :)

  2. How exciting! Now we'll have yet more family in Ohio to visit! :)
