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Sunday, July 31, 2011

16 weeks

I really can't believe I'm 16 weeks already.  Mainly because I was 16 weeks when we found out with Lincoln that he was a boy.  I remember feeling like getting to 16 weeks in that pregnancy took FOREVER and this time it feels like it's flying by!  Unfortunately we have to wait until 18 weeks to find out the gender of our precious little peanut but I suppose I can wait.  I really admire you ladies who wait until the baby is born to find out.  Obviously I don't have as much patience as you all. 

16 week update:

*Feeling REALLY fat lately.  Ugh. 

*Evening sickness is sorta going away.  It seems like it hits me even later in the evenings now but every couple nights it'll hit early in the evening.  Like I've said earlier, I'll take this timing of sickness (rather than morning or all day sickness) anyday!

*Headaches are getting worse.  Was able to get adjusted by my amazing friend (who also happens to be a Chiropractor!) and I think it's helped a little.  Mostly I think it's stress and I'm tense all the time.  The funny thing is, I don't feel stressed but then if I think about it I realize my neck and face are all tensed up quite often.  Don't really understand why.  I just need to learn how to relax I guess.

So I thought I'd include a "behind the scenes" picture from when Tyler takes my weekly belly photo.  All I can say is that photoshop does amazing things! Notice the purses all over, my little helper who needed to be in the picture as well and the awesome tape holding up the fabric :)


  1. I love the behind the scenes look and am now MUCH more impressed with your photoshop skills!

  2. you are adorable and will never look or be fat. ever. but i will still always like you.
    you are gorgeous!!

  3. you look beautiful! praying for your pregnancy!

  4. nothing more beautiful <3

  5. how very sweet. I'm rocking the 39 week bump this week. It's unbelievable.

  6. super cute! you look great! happy 16 weeks!

  7. so cute. (and I love the behind-the-scenes shot!)

  8. "Behind the scenes" shot is great!

  9. i found out with 3 out of 4 kids at 13 weeks...can't imagine waiting until 18... praying for patience for you! You look great-- happy {embrace} day!

  10. I love the behind the scenes picture!! So much fun!
