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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

a day in the life with two

Slowly but surely we are adjusting to our new normal and what that now looks like.
Now that Caedmon is giving me one longer stretch of sleep at night
I feel like I can function during the day and get more of a schedule 
figured out for us.

So here is what our days have looked like lately.....
{and I'm sure as soon as I post this, Caedmon will change things up on me....rude :) }

Let's see, I'll start from 12am

Usually we are all sleeping by now.  

2:30am : Caedmon wakes up to nurse, takes about 1/2 hour and then back to
bed for both of us.  He'll fall right back to sleep unless he's got bad gas bubbles, then I'm up burping him for another 10 minutes or so.

6am : Tyler leaves for work. Caedmon is starving again, another 1/2 hour to nurse him.  I then try and get him to go back to sleep so I can sneak in another hour or so of sleep before Lincoln wakes up.

8am : Lincoln wakes up (this is an hour later than his normal time and has only been since Caedmon was born) this has been so great!
We all get up, change diapers, and get some breakfast for Lincoln and myself.

8:30am : Caedmon is ready to eat again.  We all sit and watch one of the following to keep Lincoln happy and good while I sit and nurse.....Cars 2, Nemo, Super Why, Seasame Street, or Dinosaur Train.

9:30am I go upstairs and get ready for the day (this happens earlier if we have to be somewhere that morning)

10am : If we have plans that morning this is the time we are out and about, if not I try and get a load of laundry in, clean up the kitchen, spend my one-on-one time with Lincoln while Caedmon sleeps.

11:30am: Caedmon eats again

12pm : Come home if we've been running errands or at a playdate and eat Lunch.  Caedmon is ready to eat again too

1pm : Lincoln goes down for his nap and hopefully by then Caedmon is asleep too and mommy can lay down for a nap or have my quiet time.

2:30pm : yup feeding the Caedmon again!

4pm : Lincoln is awake by now and I start thinking about supper

5:30pm : If we're lucky, Tyler is home by now!

6pm : we all eat supper...including Caedmon

6pm-7:30pm : Time as a family playing with Lincoln

8pm : Lincoln is in bed

9pm : Caedmon nurses again and goes to bed for the evening

9:30-11pm :  Tyler and I try to spend some time together before heading off to bed ourselves

And then we start all over again!

It's tiring but I wouldn't change it for the world :)

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