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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

it was bound to happen sooner or later....

trip to the ER for Lincoln..........check
some glue and 4 stitches...........check

well we've got those two things checked off of our "things that will inevitably happen with a
rambunctious 3 year old boy" list. :)

It's quite the story actually (not how the injury happened that was pure clumsiness!) but how it
all unfolded to happen in the least chaotic and traumatizing (for myself!) way.

It all started last night when Tyler told me he didn't have to go into work until noon.
Me being apart of the organizing the child care for our new program "MOMtourage,"
jumped on that and roped him into helping watch the kiddos for the morning.

Being the guy that he is, he graciously agreed, while nervously praying to survive the morning. haha!

All that to say, on a morning that it would've been just me and the boys at an event that I was
helping to organize and today was the first meeting, I had him there for extra help.

But it turned out there was a reason he was there.

To take our child to get stitches. :)

We got there early to start setting up and while the adults set up, the kiddos were playing.
Lincoln apparently tripped over his own two feet and went face first into the corner of one of the tables.
I didn't see it happen I just heard the crying and screaming and then our friend Dan, carrying him into the bathroom to try to stop the bleeding.

Thankfully Tyler and Dan took care of him in the bathroom and got the bleeding stopped.  Dan came out and did me a favor and told me Lincoln was fine :)

The cut wasn't deep but it was wide and so a simple butterfly bandaid wasn't going to cut it.
And just like it was planned by someone up above (since it was!) Tyler was there and took Lincoln to get stitches while I continued to help set up for MOMtourage.

So he ended up getting it glued back together and then 4 stitches on top of that.
He came back at the end of MOMtourage and was bouncing around like nothing even happened.
He barely had time to hug me, he just wanted to get down and play with his friends like he
had wanted to do all morning! :)

So here are some pictures....

daddy took these why they were waiting to get stitched back together...

this was the numbing gel.

all numb now waiting to get sewn back together.

resting at home....I told him to give me a thumbs up :)

there, that's my smiling boy....now my goal is to try and find a way
to get him to keep an ice pack on it so he doesn't wake up tomorrow
morning with an incredibly huge and swollen eye....

so now that we've got that huge first out of the way, Caedmon you can wait a long time, if ever,
before taking your turn :)


  1. I am so glad Tyler was with you....God's hands were in this!! I am sure you have many more bumps and bruises in your future with 2 little boys!

  2. Yup, it is bound to happen...at some point! Not for us yet, but close calls!
