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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

photo a day {January 1-15}

last January (i think it was) i started doing fat mum slim's photo a day challenge.  i loved it.  
it fed that desire in me to do something "else"  during my days.  it was something fun for me and i loved seeing what everyone would interpret each prompt as.  but then life got busy and i stopped.  
now i'm back to trying it again.  because i really love it and want to try and keep it up.  i don't get everyday documented but i sure try!  so here is the beginning of my second attempt at this....

1. Today
freezer cooking today

2. Something New
She Read Truth Study

 3. heart

 4. my view from here

 5. mine

 6. movement

 7. Something that begins with T

 8. Paper
lunch devotions

 9. 1 o'clock

 10. street

 10. an ordinary moment

 11. circle

12. two things
naptime for both boys

 13. shadow
he was my shadow while cleaning

 14. surprise
trip to the ER - just pink eye and double ear infection

 15. what I saw
sun shining while snow is falling

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